Soft, colorful and stylish!
Pom Pom, the ideal companions in summer. They are colorful and fluffy and simply put you in a good mood! So it's no wonder we see them everywhere, right?
Big designers and we too rely on the new pom pom trend.
We offer woven baskets made from natural materials with pom pom decoration as a home accessory. Bangles with pom pom pendants. Our baskets with Peace Pom Pom application, which are popular with bloggers in many places, have become indispensable.
There's a summer mood! How about an Ibiza shopper made of palm straw braided by hand in Marrakech and decorated with colorful wool pom poms. Or a straw hat from Yosuzi? Yosuzi hats are woven by Guajiro Indians in Venezuela.

Bring some color into your living room with these great baskets from Marrakech!

As you can see, there are so many ways to use the colorful pom poms. Have a look at our Online shop stop by and be inspired. A little hint: Type in the search bar pom pom one, find all matching items! Enjoy browsing!